I am so excited that The Sentient has embarked out into the world! A bit nervous too, anxious to see how it's received, but mostly just pee-my-pants excited.
(Excuse me for a moment while I go change my pants.)
Okay, I'm back. So the next step in this adventure is SPREADING THE
WORD! An indie author has to wear many hats, including the one that
comes with marketing duties. How will people read my book if they don't
know about it? Of course there are family and friends who can be counted
on to read your work (thanks, guys!). It's much appreciated, but
remember that if you like the book, the best thing you can do is to tell
others about it. Posting a rating, and maybe even a review, on Amazon
or Goodreads will tremendously help direct internet traffic to the The Sentient.
So if you read it and you love it, shout it from the rooftops! I'll be up there shouting with you!
And P.S., if you hate it, just stay inside and keep quiet; we'll be up on that roof for a while.
I kid, I kid! Every honest review has merit.
So read up, folks. I hope you enjoy the book, and if so, I'll see you on the rooftops.
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